Gender Pay Gap Summary
Our gender pay gap report is for Howserv, the Operations part of Staysure Group. We are a travel and pet insurance provider with a range of well-known brands under the Staysure Group banner. We are on a journey to become a leading global insurtech, to enable our customers greater flexibility and autonomy with our products and services. We pride ourselves on consistently delivering excellent customer service which has resulted in us being recognised on Trustpilot as the UK’s most trusted travel insurance provider, receiving over a quarter of a million reviews.
We have seen rapid expansion in the business over the past year and our rate of growth has been achieved, in part, by offering hybrid-working solutions, with most people working between home and our offices. We have a good network of platforms for teams to keep in touch but equally, we encourage our people to meet on a regular basis at one of our offices, located in Northampton, Tangmere, Crawley, and London, as it helps to strengthen relationships and provides valuable contact time.
The findings of our report
The Group has rapidly expanded over the past year, and this is most evident in the Operations function of the business. We are in the unique position of having an under-representation of males in this division, with two-thirds of our workforce being female. The results of our gender pay gap show females earning higher in each quarter, with a good representation across all the Company pay quartiles, with the highest number being in the upper-middle quarter. The mean and median rates show that males earned, on average, slightly less than the females but more males received a bonus in 2022.
The findings, illustrated below, show the average male earned less than the average female but achieved a larger bonus in 2020.
Calculating the differences
Mean Calculation – The mean is calculated by adding up the wages of all relevant employees and dividing by the number of employees. The mean gender pay gap is the difference between the mean for males’ and females’ pay.
Median Calculation – The median is the figure that falls in the middle of a range when all the salaries of a relevant group are lined up from smallest to largest. The median gap is calculated based on the difference between the employee in the middle of the range for both males and females.
Action Plan
Our action plan is to continue to build a diverse and inclusive workplace, providing equal pay and opportunities to everyone irrespective of gender, race, or orientation. This year we will carry out a Diversity and Inclusion survey across our workforce and customers to enable us to identify where we can do more to achieve equality for all.
Our employee offering is shaped by the regular feedback we receive from our people, through external research surveys and informal office debriefs. In response to recent feedback, we are working to deliver a fair, flexible benefits scheme, to enable our people to choose the benefits that matter to them the most. Our other priority is developing our leaders, and a new leadership programme has been launched. This will equip current and future leaders with the tools to support our people, embed the right culture and support the Group to achieve our international growth plans.
We are proud of our diverse and inclusive culture. We will continue to develop this through our Diversity and Inclusion panel which has members from across the business. We aim to ensure that every voice is heard and will actively respond to feedback so that we can provide equal opportunities for all.
Our other priority is on developing our leaders now and our talent for the future ensuring they represent our demographic and are equipped with the right skills and training to support and lead our people on to our next stage of growth.